

Prevent a small mistake from becoming an irreparable problem.

Good maintenance is the best way to maximize the performance of machines and keep them in optimal operating conditions.

Through exhaustive audits, our technicians are able to anticipate any breakdown that may occur in the machine, thus avoiding major problems.

Depending on each machine and the use that is going to be made of it, GURUTZPE develops customized programs to control its status at all times.

Standard maintenanace

Essential maintenance for the perfect operation of your machine

  • Revision of machine geometries
  • Adjustment of mechanical clearances of all components
  • Replacement of consumable parts
  • Final technical report with recommended corrective actions
Premium maintenanace

Make your machine feel like on the first day

Premium maintenance recommended every 3 years.

  • Compensation of linear and angular positioning by laser
  • Optical thread straightness alignement
  • Replacement of wear parts detected during yearly PM